Hello World!

As we approach the end of the year, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on what I learnt in these 10 years leading to 2020.

I must start off by saying its been such a roller coaster ride. Starting from the early 2010s where I was in ahem School (!) all the way up to now me sitting here in a cafe in my new home - Berlin.

I'm not a writer, and I'm gonna keep this short. Here's 10 years of mistakes and good decisions, summarized:

  • Do what you can't
  • Its never too late to start travelling
  • Keep your mind open to possibilities
  • Cherish the people who were around for you in your rough times
  • Social Media is fake validation. Know that, use it to your advantage if you can but don't let it consume you
  • Get a hobby
  • Make good friends outside of work and outside of what you do
  • Don't be afraid to try new things. Go to new places, talk to people, try that one thing you always wanted to
  • You might end up regretting things you didn't do while you had the chance
  • You will also end up regretting things you did do :D
  • Don't have regrets. Everything is an experience. Your actions until now is what makes you, you
  • Don't give free advice

10 years of experience cannot be summarized in a single blog

And at this point, I have realized that its futile to try and transfer over 10 years of experiences in a blog post. Life is so rich that every day can be a 100 of these.

Cheers to the 2010's, the decade that brought me love, learning, opportunities and experiences.

Let's all try to be better humans (whatever that means to you) this upcoming decade and beyond.


PS: Welcome to my new website. :)